High Quality Education

Extensive CS Program

We have many CS programs, and since we know that students have different situations. We have programs that cover many levels of intensity.

Sports Programs

We aim to aid our students to achieve their goals and dreams. Professional teams and companies often look for talents among our students enrolled in a sport program. You could be the next one they are looking for.


Our school is supported by a vast network of funding. Be sure to check their availabilities. They can provide from tuition coverage to amenities such as free laptops!

A Message From the PresidenT

On June 17, 2020, the Board of Trustees and I endorsed Resolution 19-26 “Denouncing Xenophobia and Anti-Asian Sentiment Arising Due to Fears of the COVID-19 Pandemic. We want all employees and students affiliated with Mountain Oak College to at all times be respected, valued, and treated fairly.